The last time I have watched a game was...i cant even remember when. But today was a different story. We, krizia and I, went to Araneta to watch the first game of San Beda against the 2009 title holder Golden Stags San Sebastian Recoletos. The place oozed with school pride as both schools cheer and jeer. Ayaw ko lang naman sa jeering ng San Beda eh yung "iskwater" part e. That was just so below the belt. but anyway, I know that it's just part of the game. I just have to live with that. We met also Vanessa and Emily, my highshool friends, who happened to be there to watch the said game. I missed them a lot. Perfect time to catch things up. Ngayon ko lang nalaman that Vanessa transfered to another school and changed her course to HRM from Interior Design. This shocked me the most because this means that I am the only one in our batch who takes this kind of course. It saddens me a lot but I cant do anything about that. Part of life.
Krizia and me
Emily and Vanessa.
Vanessa and Me.
Araneta was indeed flooded with sea of red but it was all worthwhile because winning the first game was just awesome. Second game? Animo San Beda beat baste or Animo baste beat San Beda? Ano bang mas magandang pakinggan? :)
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