(I don't have a decent picture of the whole barkada picture because first: we were'nt complete during this time and second: I don't have the strength to take pictures after dancing the night away. I was so tired that time)
So here's a picture of my barkada during our trip to Manor. God has been so great for reuniting us once again even if some of my friends weren't here in the gathering (and this isn't the usual gathering that we used to have). When we were still kids, and that was six years ago (oh, not that long ago... wait? six years? HAHA), we stayed until the moon bids us goodbye. Yes! We stayed the whole night playing patentero, bang-sak, tumbang preso and a lot more. We would kill time laughing at one another, sharing kilig moments, staring at each other's face and listening to the stories that one has to share. We used to do this fun-ctivities with a lot of enthusiasm and energy. I can still remember the days when we made our own P.A. system that was used to call each other's attention (especially when inside the house) and tell to everyone that we are in our street and ready to play some fun-filled games. That certain sound of clap made me more excited when I hear not just one but an audience clapping outside our house. I miss those days and even more I miss the kids I used to play patentero with. Sad to say but this isn't the case now but I am more glad to know that we've change and didn't stay as kids forever! HAHA
As days pass by, we stride different paths that introduce us to different worlds. Each one of us has an image of who we are 10 years from now and for sure we don't have an image of a kid playing bang-sak forever. People change, so do we. A number of us are in college now and chose the career path that either we pick for ourselves, parents identified it for us or just because the course is in so much trend now. Wherever the source came from and the reason that I blurted this out is because I think this has somehow influenced us and has an effect to the line of thinking we have now. Maybe it's really because we're not getting any younger and we have to act our age but still having this kind of thinking is a proof that we changed and still changing. I just wrote this blog not to blame 'change' for constantly changing, not that I want to play langit-lupa again (tho I would really have fun if I will be given the chance to play this game again), not that I regret getting old because I love the things that I learn from aging... Not any of those mentioned is my reason.
I just miss my friends and the days we've shared with one another. I know that I could not run back to the hands of time because that would never happen. I just want to reminisce the good-old-days and the not-so-good-old-days that we've had. I wrote this blog for my friends who I will miss a lot - The Olan brothers. They will be moving to Australia next week and that I think would sadden me a lot. :| But if that's what God has planned for you guys and your family, so be it... I'll be more than happy to know that you will have a greater chance of exploring yourself as men! :)
Tim Olan
JJ Olan
We will miss you guys! :) Have fun in Australia! :)
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