Less is more.

Welcome to my site. This 2013, I'll try to blog more and live more. Hope you'll enjoy my posts! :)

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The feeling of wanting to change yourself

Today, my set design class professor gave back all the exercises we had last week and she acknowledged all those who did well in the exercises. Unfortunately, out of 30 students, I didn't make it to the roster of people who excellently passed the exercises. Well, my grades are fine it's just that I thought I did great and all. But not.

It's ok now. At least I know what aspect of my design skills must be improved. Our professor said some good points that I took for granted when doing the plates, things I forgot to consider somehow. When she said all these I got the feeling of assurance that at least our profession's not just mere subjective reasoning. Most of the things she said are logical to consider which makes it objective. Now, I have to develop my skills in designing such as translating all my ideas on paper and the feasibility of it (possible to apply or not). Comments given to mere were:
Good concept but I don't know if its feasible and Good concept but translation needs to be improved. 
Concepts are there, I just need to rehash some skills.

Now, I think I'll bring with my my black notebook where I will put all my ideas in design and doodle when boredom strikes me. I will also bring, occasionally, some rendering materials and parchment paper for some rendering. Reading articles and books as well can help me reinvent my design ideas. Board exam is fast approaching (but I have to graduate first!), I need all these to be on the top 10! (HAHA, this is becoming my dream already, nothing is impossible with God! Declare and you will get it!)

I am proud tho of my classmates who did well in the exercises tho! I have two classmates, guy classmates (go boys!) who impressed my professor twice in all three exercises. Well, Interior Design is dominated by ladies but gents can also make it to the top! So proud of them! Congrats guys.

At least I know now that my greatest competition is myself. If you feel the same way (I hope you dont hate your classmates for always being on top of you, its the reality that there will always be someone who is greater or lesser than you), let's reinvent ourselves together! YAY!

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